Real Estate Court Expert
We will offer services as a EU-certified Real Estate Court Expert (real estate court Specialist):
- We can offer you our services in English, German but also in Italian, Spanish or French in professional quality.
- EU-certified Real Estate Court Expert (real estate court Specialist)
- Consultancy with Civil Court Processes
- Analysis, Due Diligence in respect of technical condition of real estates (buildings, insatallations etc. )
- Analysis, Due Diligence of physical or legal defects and assessment of physical damages
- Assessment of market-adaquat rents and operating costs
- Assessment, calculation or estimate of Market-Value and Open-Market-Value (according RICS and TEGOVA)
- Acting as a Real Estate Court Expert with legal civil real estate processes
- Real Estate Appraisal Report for Courts and Administration Authorities (in english and in German)
- Real Estate Estimate Report in case of Insolvency and Execution
- Moderation, mediation and coordination among Laywers, Notaries, Judges and parties of the dispute
With the above indicated extensive real estate services the Mandator has the great benifit, that a real estate problem will be solved by a competent and professional real court estate expert in case of a real estate civil process. We offer our services for the following regions along: Austria specially Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Germany, Central East Europe, Hungary, Cech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, South Europe, Italy, France, Spain
For the clients and mandators technical, legal , tax, real estate market end relal estate business oriented Due Dilinces will be conducted professionaly.
According to the order of the mandator the appraiser shall write brief (executive summury) or extensive Due Diligence and Valuation/Apraisal Reports.
The Real Estate Services of Dr. Peter Wagner providing the clients with Valuation, Estimate, Evaluation, Consulting, of Resindecial Properties, Artic Properties, Hotels, Office Builidng and Shopping Centers, Restaurants and Shops etc.
The Real Estate expert provide to Sellers and Purchasers/Buyers of Properties/Real Estates standarized or tailer made real estate valuation and real estate consulting services.
According to information need of the Client, The Buyer/Purcahser of a porperty /the company/the investor will be advised in respect of real estate/ property finance as well as regarding real estate project finanance.
Reference projects
Informative presentation of complex real estate services and real estate reference projects in Europe and Austria, provided by Dr. Peter Wagner.
Dr. Peter Wagner
Real Estate Expert, certified Appraiser,
Certified Management Consultant
Otto Probst Straße 28 – 30 / 8 / 9
A-1100 Vienna
Phone +43 1 6150650
Fax +43 1 6150650
Mobil +43 664 73580690
Conferences via Skype are possible by telephone agreement.